Finished Projects · Workbasket

DC’s Birthday Gift

While knitting like crazy to finish Christmas gifts, I tend to drag my knitting with me wherever I go.  It works out even better if I am not the driver because I can use the travel time to knit also.  One of the places that I ALWAYS take knitting projects is the knitting group on Wednesdays.  While knitting the scarves for Son and DIL, DC admired them and mentioned that she, “wished that she had a friend that loved her enough to knit one for her”.  So, you can probably guess what she received for her birthday gift…

All boxed up and ready for DC!

As soon as I finished with tatting the snowflakes for Christmas gift exchange I got busy knitting the scarf and beret.  The hat works up really quickly so I started with that.  I needed the boost of actually finishing a project…

Then I tucked into the scarf.  Each color stripe took me one hour and just over 35 minutes.  There was 19 color stripes.  Every time that I could grab a few minutes here and there to work on it, I would sit down and get to work.  As with most projects, I was tired of working on the project long before it was done. (actually it is probably more a case of other projects trying to temp me away).

On this past Monday it was my plan to come home after Monday Run-Day and finish the last two stripes, work in the ends and add the fringe.  What ended up happening was that I fell asleep while knitting.  :-/

I did manage to finish it the next.  Here is the story of the last night:

Waiting for the last two stripes and fringe
I love this row counter!  Completely saved my sanity

Pixie was tired of me using my ‘dog petters’ for knitting.  After a brief lovey session I bribed her to lay down so I could continue to work.

Ends woven in.  Tails  cut off. My yarn threader is also a life saver!

All done!

For me, a project is not done until it has been cleaned up after.

Here is the partial skeins all made into center pull balls ready to be put away.  😀  Done


3 thoughts on “DC’s Birthday Gift

  1. What a wonderful gift. Great work. Thank your sweet pup for loaning out your dog “petters” to work on this much cherished gift.

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