At Home

As far as super powers go…

In my (admittedly limited) world view, we all have super powers… even pets.

Princess Pixie-Roo has the super powers of naughtiness & mischief and the ability to deny that she is currently up to anything at all. To be fair, she is also amazing at teaching visiting dogs how to use the doggie door and her supervisory skills

are second to none. I would probably be unable to do any crafting without her help.

Walther, Pixie’s partner in N&M, has the amazing super power of being able to get completely tangled in the yarn of my current project without moving at all. He can lay near me and the next thing anyone knows is that he is so tangled up that the project has to be put on hold until he is untangled. (unfortunately I don’t have any photographic evidence)

What are your super powers? What are the super powers of the people or animals within your realm of influence?

2 thoughts on “As far as super powers go…

  1. My super power is the perennial garden so that flowers bloom 9 months of the year. Next comes hiking in a mosey and meander manner. Knitting, reading and visiting family when I can. I’m at an age that dusting and cleaning house are way down on my list of things I must do. Pre and post Covid, windy road trips on back roads and finding the “best place to eat pie”.

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