
Workbasket WIPs #110

The post describes the process of adding borders to a quilt, fixing a knitting project, crocheting a doll, and scanning embroidery patterns. The quilt was finished in 2008 but needed resizing. After struggling with the process, the quilt was successfully enlarged. The knitting project was restarted and the crocheted doll is coming along nicely. Antique embroidery pattern books are also being scanned for sharing.

Interesting Info

Victorian Botanical Collecting: Unveiling Nature’s Hidden Gems

During the Victorian era, explorers were driven by a passion for discovering new plant species, enduring harsh climates and perils to bring back exotic treasures. Notable figures like Joseph Banks and Charles Darwin enriched European gardens, sparking horticultural interest. Their legacy lives on in today's gardens, inspiring continued interest in plant discovery and conservation.